We have a trusted and credible investigation practice. We conduct serious incident investigations and independent investigations and reviews in all sectors.
The details
Our investigative method has been developed to high industry standards. We have supported trusts and other clients to improve their own investigative method. Our work is led by experienced investigators who have worked in health and social care but also on wider public enquiries.
All of our practitioners are security cleared to either BPSS standards or DBS checked, many of our practitioners are trained clinicians and have medico-legal experience.
Our investigations and reviews are robust, proportionate, evidence-based and supported by the most up to date examples of good practice. Through our medical and nursing director networks we have access to the most appropriate independent specialist clinical expertise.
​Our reports are of high quality, presenting complex clinical information in an accessible way to all of those involved. Our most recent Independent Investigation report was commended by NHS Improvement.
The way we work
At the start of any commission, we work with our clients to ensure they are prepared to provide all of the information to us in a timely and seamless way. We also provide advice on how the client needs to prepare those who will be interviewed.
Once the terms of reference are agreed we work independently from the commissioning client. We will facilitate the sharing of high-risk or immediate patient safety issues as they materialise without compromising the integrity of the investigation.
We work with families in a sensitive and supportive way, always maintaining independence, giving them confidence that all of the facts will be considered in a systematic way.
We present our findings to our clients and leave copies of the draft report for their consideration.
Following the implementation of the action plan, we have developed an approach to provide independent assurance so that our clients can demonstrate that lessons have been learned and sustainable changes in practice have been achieved.
Our most recent high profile independent investigation can be viewed here.
We have published an article and an assurance tool to help organisations maximise the learning.
​A previous independent investigation commended by NHS Improvement and can be viewed here.
All our practitioners and support staff are enhanced level of DBS.
We are registered with NHS Digital and have an ODS code, we are authorised to use NHS Mail meaning we can securely and seamlessly exchange patient indefinable data once a data-sharing agreement is in place.
Our Data Security and Protect (DSP) Toolkit assessment rating is ‘Standards Exceeded’ and we also are certificated for Cyber Essential Plus.
We have insurance to the expected levels for public sector contracts.