Risk Management Improvement
Good risk management supported by a good risk management system are both a ‘must have’ to get a good well-led and safety ratings.
The details
Facere Melius (FM) has experienced risk managers that can help organisations re-design, develop and improve risk systems. We have successfully worked with several provider organisations placed into special measures due to inadequate Well-led and Safety assessments, helping them to achieve rapid improvement. We have also worked with Commissioner organisations who have been placed into Legal Direction for Governance. We also support high-performing trusts by providing external assurance on risk management systems.
How we can help
FM has experience of working quickly and efficiently with organisations to ensure:
the Board Assurance Framework supports the delivery of the Strategy
the whole organisational risk management process and risk registers align to the Board Assurance Framework and Strategy
all Directorates, Divisions and Departments are supported and trained in the appropriate level of risk management for their roles
the content of the risk registers are reviewed and challenged to ensure organisational consistency and shared understanding
organisational staff induction and refresher courses reflect how risk management works within the organisation.
Our approach
We have experience working collaboratively at Board and Executive level supporting the development of Board Assurance Frameworks and their alignment to the wider organisation risk registers so there is a true line of sight board to ward on risks and their management. This has included the mapping of risks to key assurance and operational committees and meetings to ensure that appropriate risks are reviewed at the right place and time. We work with all levels of the organisation to ensure understanding and involvement in risk management becomes a key part of managing services throughout the organisation.
“the trust did not have a robust understanding of its key risks at departmental, divisional or board level”1
Apart from managing the risk management assurance and reporting process we have expert systems analysts who can coach existing staff to get the most out of your current risk system from evaluating and understanding the art of the possible to full system rebuilds.
Throughout all of our work, we will transfer knowledge to existing staff to ensure the sustainability of the systems and frameworks we will co-produce.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will always review risk management arrangements at all levels within the organisations they inspect and recently published reports for inadequate organisations are quoted on this page.
“key risks were not understood, recorded, escalated or mitigated effectively”1
Risk management systems
FM has proven experience in supporting improvement in both Datix and Ulysses Systems. Our subject matter experts have helped many organisations by:
undertaking a system audit looking at usage, set up and functionality and providing recommendations for future improvements and developments
resolving day-to-day system problems
improving user experience
completely re-installing or rebuilding systems
implementing organisational structural changes
switch from one system to another.
We offer bespoke training for users and administrators.
Our experience
Rapid review and refresh of operational and corporate risk registers, board assurance framework and Datix system - Integrated NHS Trust
Rebuild of the risk and patient safety system board to ward, rebuild and relaunch Ulysses system - University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Review and improvement of risk management and patient safety systems - Commissioning Support Unit
Review and improvement of risk management and Governing Body Assurance Framework - Clinical Commissioning Group
Rebuild of risk management and board assurance framework and system board to ward - Partnership NHS Trust
Rebuild of risk management system board to ward, introducing risk assurance reports to board and sub-committees - Hospital NHS Trust.
1 Pennine Acute Hospital Foundation Trust